Tour X-015 The river of 5 conyons

Specialization– Rafting.


Location:This tour is held in Western Tjan-Shan, Tashkent region of Republic of Uzbekistan and in Osh region of Republic of Kyrgyzstan.


Best timeto travel is August the 1st to September the 30th


Duration is 15 days


Your travel will take place along the big river of western Tjan-Shan, Chatkal, deriving in south-western slopes of Talas range. In the upper reaches this river flows on the wide ancient icy valley. Below confluence with Teres River, the valley of Chatkal becomes narrow as deep gorges. It makes special colouring to rafting. These sites will make the sense of admiration to travellers, increase emotional condition thanks to the joyful contact with nature. You will see mountain erections of the western Tjan-Shan, such as Ferganskiy and Chatkalskiy, Talasskiy and Sandalashskiy, Pskemskiy and Koksuyskiy ranges. You will be warm welcomed with hospitality of local inhabitants all around.         



Day 1.Arrival in Tashkent. Met at the airport and transfer to a hotel. Check in the hotel. A time to relax. Lunch. Excursion around the architectural monuments of Tashkent city, including visit to Kukeldash Medresseh (CXVI), Barak-Khan Medresseh (CXVI), Kaffal Al Shashe Mausoleum (CXVI), Khast-Imam complex and Orient Bazaar of Chor-Su,visiting old city, including Yunus-Khana Mausoleum, Museum of Applied Art, Square of Independence, Friendship Peoples Square, Metro, and the National Theater of Opera and Ballet for 4 hours. Dinner.Overnight at a hotel.

Days2-3.Breakfast at the hotel. Interesting transfer on a bus from Tashkent to the upper reaches of Chatkal river (D=550km). Moving along the motor way we drive into the valley and the gorge of the Angren river and onward over the Kamchik pass (H=2268m) to the Kuraminskiy range and then to the Fertile Fergana Valley. Having reached the Pungan settlement, located on the right side bank of the Syrdarya river (the longest river in Central Asia), the road turns to the East and 90 km far from this place we are in Namangan city – one of the biggest built-up area of Fergana valley. From here, our road will lie to the North. From the Akbulak village our route lies to the Kasanayskoe gorge, near the entry of this gorge there is the Shakh-Fazil mausoleum – one of the most spectacular architectural monuments remained from 13 century, towers above this area. Having gone up on the Chapgama pass (H=2841m), the winding mountain road lies down to the vast valley of Cahtkal. Having reached the mountain settlement of Bashky-Terek and unloaded things and equipment we set the camp in the forest. Preparation for rafting, a time for training on the water.

Day 4.Commence rafting. Chatkal flows along the wide and looks like a huge staircase. The steps of this stairs steeply break off to the up to date flood-land of the river. First, the altitude of these steps is 100 m and higher and stream of the river is fast along the forest. There are many places convenient to stay for rest or swimming all over. Having overcome 30 km for this day, we set the camp in the estuary of the Chanach River.

Day 5.Go on the exciting rafting along the Mountain River. The incline of this river is uniform. You can reach both banks wherever you want to. This lot is very convenient to practise technical methods of rafting. By night, the fast Chatkal will have fetched us to the central area of the Chatlkal valley, Kanysh-Kie.

Day 6.Despite the river is fast, it is quiet. Only at some places, there are uncomplicated thresholds and shoals of the river. After the confluence of this river and huge tributary of the Sandalash River, the mass of the water in Catkal increases two times. On the way, there will be beautiful islands tanks to their thickset.

Day 7.We overcome the First canyon with its 16 thresholds. Cary round the 6 metres waterfall and go on our way to the Second canyon, crossing the vast basin of Aktash located between mountains.

Day 8.The rocks of the Secon d canyon amaze with their greatness and variety of colours (yellow, grey, pink, bright red and violet). Stratums of the precipitation of moraine crumpled as folds and collapsed owing to weathering, and now they form capricious forms and sculptures. The canyon, 8 km extent, is very wonderful by its immense walls and scree about 700 metres high. There is no obstacle on the way in the canyon.

Day 9.After the next mountains hollow of Besharal we walk into the Third canyon – absolutely rocky one. We are opened the narrow, dark and tortuous corridor with its 300 metres smooth and sheer walls with grottoes, ledges and bays. Calm and turquoise water is at the foot of the mountains, light and dark grey walls of the mountains and a blue stripe of the sky is above where flights of eagles are soaring. There is no sound and even no rustle. It all makes the very fantastic and unforgettable situation. The bed of the river squeezes by 6-8 m. In some bays there is the ice all the year round as the Sun can’t reach the bottom of this canyon. The length of the canyon is 4 km. This is the nature monument indeed! It is visible only from the water.

Day 10.Overcome a narrow glen with its several fast channels and come into the Forth canyon – something similar to the Second and the Third ones. This place is observed as immense (100 m and higher) scree of the slopes, sheer racks andcracks of small side tributaries. The slopes and summits of these mountains are covered with separate trees and bushes.  This day we reach the bed of the small river of Naiza. Set the camp. 

Day 11.We are awaited to travel a little in the mountains. Ascend from the river to the Alyam pass (H=2000m) in the Koksuyskiy range. There is a majestic panorama of this mountain country form bird’s-eye view. The dramatic mountain ranges stretch all over, divided by silver stripes of rivers. On the one hand of the Kok-Su range, narrow and wild gorge of Kok-Su watched, on the other hand – canyons of the grandiose Chatkal.

Day 12.Until noon continuing rafting to Chapakmysh. Now the most complicated thresholds of Chatkal welcome us. To overcome them it is needed a special physical preparation. Conclude trekking on water. Loading baggage and equipment on pack animals. Our caravan walks down on a very picturesque path near the river. After lunch we cover 9 km and set the camp at the estuary of the Kishlaksay River.

Day 13.Go on passage on the mountain path. Visit to the bee-garden and acquaintance with the life-style of local inhabitants en route and covered the distance of 10 km, we will stop at the confluence of Akbulak River and Chatkal River. Onward we walk into the gorge of the Akbulak River. Conclude trekking on the territory of Kyrgyzstan and entry into Uzbekistan on the territory of the Ugam-Chatkal Natural Park.

Day 14.We will observe the Fifth canyon of Chatkal. Swimming in the Charvak Water Reservoir. Evening return to Tashkent overcame approximately 850 km within trekking. Check in a hotel. Dinner.

Day 15.Breakfast at the hotel. Transfer to the airport. Depart Tashkent.



Having concluded the rafting portion of this tour - on a comfortable bus

To the start point of the commence rafting – on a general-duty cross-country vehicle



Tashkent– a hotel

on rafting – tents (2 for a tent)



3 meals a day in the cities

on rafting – breakfast, dinner (hot course) 

lunch - dry ration, hot tee, coffee.


The price quoted for this programme includes the following:

transfers to and from airports, A/C transportation

double/twin sharing accommodation on B&B basis with private bath or shower in each hotel of different category  

All meals (FB)

national guide (escort) speaking your native language and accompanying you for the entire itinerary

visa invitation letter (visa authorisation letter)

license fees

guides for rafting to accompany group within rafting

cook within rafting

rent of special equipment (inflatable boats, rafts, catamarans, safety equipment, etc.)

rent of necessary equipment, such as tents, dishes and etc.

radio communication


Fitness– This adventure travel holiday is suitable for anyone who is in good health and enjoys a fair level of fitness. Experience in rafting on mountain rivers is required. On rafting all participants use their personal equipment.


The price excludes the following:


Single supplement charge

Travel Insurance


Items of a personal nature, such as laundry, drinks, etc.



Extra service:

-          taking a helicopter to this tour commence (1.5 hrs in the air)

-          pack animals   USD10 per 1 donkey a day

                                USD 25 per 1 horse a day