Istravshan formerly Ura-Tube

Istaravshan (Uratyube) is one of the oldest cities in the world. He was more than 2,500 years. It is located in the north of Tajikistan, in the foothills of the Turkestan Range. Istaravshan, and last Kiropol (Kurushkada), named after the founder of the Persian empire of Cyrus, Kurush (529-559 years. BC). Kiropol owes its origin to the growth of handicraft production and trade. By the time Alexander Makedon ¬ sky conquered Central Asia (IV century BC), was already a big Kurushkada. well-fortified city. . This is where staen of Alexander of Macedon first gets ranenie.Iz the frequent rebellions city was destroyed by Alexander of Macedon. Later, under different names, the city is mentioned in various sources. The town was first called. At the end of the XV century the town was under the rule of the Timurid ruler Sultan Mahmudhona. In his decree (the label), dated 900g.h. (1449) Uratyube called "Uratyube." . In the 40-50 GG XVIII century there was formed an independent Uratyubinskoe fief. It consisted of the city of Khujand, Jeezy, Penjikent, op ¬ Fastening points Zamin, Em, and the upper reaches of Zarafshan, Match and Falgar. At the beginning of the XIX century Uratyubinskoe lost possession a number of territories that were captured Bukhara and Kokand Khanate. After joining Russia have been preserved old plumbing Uratyubinskogo ownership. In 1887 the region was Uratyubinsky of the newly formed Samarkand region.


KOK-Gumbez (MOSQUE ABDALATIFA). Middle of the XVI century. In the courtyard, encircled arcade, stands the main building of the mosque dome with a portal and two lateral arch-domed galleries on brick pillars. In facing portal and outer drum of the dome used brick and carved kashin mosaic. The once blue calotte (hence the name Coke Gumbez - "Blue Dome") was destroyed by an earthquake. The inner dome is based on the arch and the thyroid sail with windows on the axes, the mihrab niche is decorated with rich stalactite stucco and tile inscription (poorly preserved); wall in its lower part has a two-tone tiled panel.



End of XV-XVI century. Tootie near Celo Uratube. Cres tovidnogo plan room is covered in thyroid Kupo scrap sails, white herds which are allocated to the general red background. Above the main volume rises from the base drum unpreserved outside the dome.



XVIII-XIX centuries. Hall of Columns in the coverage of the T-shaped columns on aivan. The columns are spectacular stalactite capitals, on the ceilings - bright murals, mostly with floral and geometrical ornaments from.



Historical and architectural complex known as Hazratishoh, located in the old part of town Istravshan and consists of three iconic structures: the mausoleum Hazratishoh, mausoleums and mosques Khudoyorov Valami Hazratishoh (also known as a mosque Namozgoh), located a half-circle around the fountain Hazratishoh - name of a saint Each of the rest are structures in the complex Hazratishoh, built at different times and has a history of creation and functional purposes. Question to determine the exact time of construction of the buildings is not unique. Some experts date the construction of the primary X-XI centuries, while the main arguments are the location of the monument at the spring and some similarities in the layout of the building from Samarkand Shahi Zinda, certain architectural features of the plan, a combination of thin and thick walls of the room, the presence in the planning of the building of galleries, with two sides of his envelopes.