XI / XII century. Tahtinsky area. The two-storey mausoleum tower. High square prism with through pointed arches on the axes surmounted by a conical dome on a cylindrical drum. The lower part of the building is closed for repair from a facing step pakhsa. The inner oval dome rests on eight arches hedron nishek and knee-cellular sails.
Cult-memornalny complex. End of XV-XVI century. Ustyurt plateau, mound-Dev Keske (medieval Vaznr). Wazir was one of the most significant; cities runs through the northern Kara Kum way. Here are preserved buildings: Three Nameless mausoleums and mosques. The main mausoleum, square in plan, with sections of angles, where arranged poluvosmigrannye niche is covered dome, a high portal on the main façade and arched niches on the other. The dome is based on the octahedron sails, with the transitional console vent brick. The overlapping of the portal arch and niches on the facade are a polukupolki on thyroid sails. Two other Mausoleum, rectangular in plan, portal-dome. They used to sail the console. Mosque (very ruined) backyard: the courtyard surrounded by arched arcades on columns, walls and pillars of stone, arched-dome ceiling made of brick.
MAVZOLEY.XVII in. Tahtinsky area. Lost among the riparian thickets of the memorial complex includes hanaka and adjoined to her mausoleum nobody Lalazemata. Mnogokupolnoe khanaka building is the central hall with arched niches on the depth axis and four corner spaces, one of which is the burial. The Mausoleum is rectangular, with weak input and extensive terraced outside the dome. All are based on the octagon dome niche sails, with breeding in small corners of the console or cellular sails. Buildings made of brick.