
A huge area of the city centuries-old history, imprinted archaeological strata of different ages. Now a group of settlements, belted shaft walls: Erk-Kala (1 BC), Gyaur Kala (from the III. BC to VIII IX centuries. AD), Sultan kala (IX-X centuries., flourishing under the Seljuk in XI-XII centuries). Shahryar with a citadel-Ark and the adjacent suburbs, Mr. Badami, situated on the south Abdullah Khan kala-Kala and Bayramalihan (both founded in the XV century. .) In the ruins of Merv, fortifications, feudal castles, several medieval mausoleums.



XI century. Raw building, apparently for administrative purposes. The interior - long vaulted hall with numerous cells on the walls outside - a massive platform and the corrugated wall facades.



XV century. Southern perimeter of Sultan Kala. Arab military leaders over the burial-Askhabov VII. - Gifari Bureydy rise and two marble namogilnika (XV cent.) Covered with fine ornamental carving, and domed kiosks (rebuilt in the XIX century).. Background it is high dvuhportalnoe construction, lined with glazed bricks (girihi and epigraphic ornaments geometrized).



VI-VIII cc. Two are located near the early medieval Keshk. They have syrtsovopahsovye construction of walls, vaulted perekrytiya.Oba building - a rectangular plan, two-story, with solid walls were decorated with semi-columns with closed-corrugations - are on a high platforme.Plan Little Kiz-Kala - the central domed hall in the coverage of rectangular rooms. Great plan Kiz-Kala - a more complex central zone (destroyed) in the system covering its perimeter corridors and rooms.



1112/13 years. Originally - the central domed building over the grave of one of the revered Shi'ite "holy" who lived at the end of VII-VIII century. Cubiform volume tomb surmounted by a vast dome. The walls are raw, lined with burnt bricks, cupola and dome construction - brick. The main facade has a special design in the form of three arches and the sloping contours of the panel in a U-shaped frame; Carved figured bricks and hewn out of the calculations girihov brick gives it a rich ornamentation. The side facades are smooth. In the interior there are traces of ornamental painting, and Kufic inscription and masonry arch shaped sails. Later, the mausoleum are attached to the premises and namogilnikom memorial mosque devoid of any decoration. Near the ruins of Sardob. XI-XII centuries.



40s. XII century. Architect Muhammad al-Bini Atsyz Sarahs. The classic type of centric tombs of monumental forms: cubiform volume crowned through a gallery above him - a cylindrical drum, carrying a double dome shell. The decor of the gallery sets used curly brick and carved pieces with stylized floral and epigraphic ornament. The interior is painted geometric and epigraphic nature made ​​the blue and red on a white background. On the dome construction system herds forming a spatial geometric weave with a figure of eight-pointed star at its zenith. Excavations revealed traces adjacent to the mausoleum of ancient buildings - apparently referred to the East-sponsored mosque and the palace of the Seljuk.


Merv oasis

Keshk - medieval castles. VI-XI centuries. Preserved in the ruins. The most significant among them: Celtic Minar south of Merv; BIG Naked-Kala, and Naked SMALL-Kala Bazar in vekil; OVLIYALI-Keshk in the eponymous village and several others. They all vary in layout, but similar in their three-dimensional composition. This construction of pakhsa and raw, with a powerful platform and corrugated walls. Rectangular plan, usually with a large central hall, surrounded by two floors, arched dome buildings.


YUSUF Hamadan Mosque

XVI century. Building of the mosque forms the monumental backdrop for the burial of living in Merv in the XII century. Sufi Yusuf Hamadani. Above his grave stands a kiosk, built in the late XIX century, the mosque Composition frontal, three-stage, growing to a central portal with deep lancet arch.