Medieval settlement of Urgench. Already in X. Urgench was the largest and second most important city in medieval Khorezm after Kyatom, and after the destruction of the waters of the Amu Darya Kyata became the capital of the Khorezm Mamunidov dynasty. With them, especially in the XI-XII centuries. Turkic dynasty in the reign of Khorezm is erected fortifications, the town built up with rich houses, palaces, markets, houses of Muslim worship. The Mongol invasion (1221) resulted in Urgench in decline, but at the end of XIII-XIV century. town again on the rise, it becomes almost independent of the system who Zolotoordyns-Khanate. This period is marked by the intensive construction of monumental buildings. Five-time raids by Timur (1372-1388 in Gg.) Urgench was almost razed to the ground, it remained only a few cult-memorial structures. A revival of construction activity is celebrated here in the XVI century. But in the future the city withers and finally to the XVIII century. turns into a mound Old Urgench.
1st half of the XIV century. The ruins of the main facade, a dedicated portal. In rectangular framed arch portal and especially in the soffit - the curly decoration carved bricks and girih, lined with hewn brick, with inserts of patterned majolica.
MAUSOLEUM DYNASTY FIMS (known as the Tomb Tyurabek Khanum). 60s. XIV century. The building has a complex three-dimensional composition: a slender portal, a small domed lobby, Allen Hall, ziarathanu behind which is a square gurkhan. The overlap is rare ziarathany triple dome design: two inside - decorative and constructive, and one outside. Above the high dvenadtsatigrannoy ziarathany prism, on the verge of a deep niche, stands a cylindrical drum, carrying a conical tent (now destroyed). In the external decoration and interior ziarathany - an abundance of carved kashin mosaic dominated by stylized floral design. Particularly intense in color and coating of the dome uzoropostroeniyu ziarathany; its spheroid bowl deployed spatially complex to build girih of stars, and polyhedra with floral and vegetable filling.
Mausoleum of Sultan Ali XIV century. or the XVI century. (date not specified). Erected in the ensemble "Kosh" with khanaka Nadzhmeddina Kubra. Compositionally, he imitates the mausoleum of the Sufi: in terms of a hexagonal and a rectangular darshanu gurkhan. Bulk composition is formed by two portal on the main axis, between which two conjugate prism - dvenadtsatigrannaya and octagonal - topped with domes. The interiors - traditional for the XIV century forward-mesh sail. Decor no. Hanako NADZHMEDDINA Kubra Hanako NADZHMEDDINA Kubra (the founder of the Sufi Order Kubraviya, Nadzhmeddina Kubra). Between 1321 and 1333's. Three-compartment, trehkupolnoe building. Slender and standing in the portal gurkhan tombstones, including the tomb Nadzhmeddina Kubra, faced with characteristic majolica * Khorezm multicolored floral with a rich floral ornaments and intricate lettering Quranic inscriptions.
1200. Monumental structure: at the base - square prism on it - an array of decorated ribbed corrugations drum carrying a conical dome. The main facade is highlighted with a stalactite niche deep filling. The dominant texture of the brick. The drum is decorated with accents of blue tiles, on the completion of its three-blade corrugation remains of epigraphic frieze with a blue glaze. The dome has the calculations of blue bricks: the rhombic grid, "a tree" and a carpet. In niches and corners of the interior of the transition from square to octagonal are stalactites, and the dome - Sixteen rakusheobraznyh svodikov.
MAUSOLEUM Fakhreddine-Razi (popular name of the tomb of one of Khorezm, apparently Ile-Arslan). XII century. Its bulk composition consists of a cube, a prism dvenadtsatigrannoy drum and outer pyramidal dome. The main facade is decorated with carved terracotta tiles plant and epigraphic ornament. The interior of the mausoleum is characterized by stalactites and sail spheroid inside a dome.
Between 1321 and 1333 years. The minaret is a slender, heavily utonyayuschiysya up round the trunk. Brickwork it is dissected by narrow belts vertically set bricks, creating an architectural rhythm, and a wide belt Kufic inscriptions. Once the minaret was crowned by a wooden lantern, from which preserved radially protruding from the masonry beams.