About us

The "A.S.T" Company (Asian Specialized Tours) has been working at the tourist market since 1994 (License â„– 283-06, Certification â„– 006806). The basic direction in the tourist business is organization of non-standard kinds of tours. Their spectrum is very wide : from the scientific and cognitive to the sport and extremal kinds.

The basic aim of the Company is to show the tourists all variety of Central Asia but not only still the well-known cultural and historical and natural monuments. Because of it the workers of the firm together with the specialists of the different regions of the science and the sport constantly work to elaborate and to realize the tours. It allows the tourists to know the maximum of an interesting information.

The "A.S.T." Company attaches great importance to its partners within the region those are practically in all republics and regions of Central Asia. It also promotes a high level of the tourist's service.

The offered tours have various specialization. In spite of it according to wishes of the partners and to technical possibilities all programs may be combined. We are ready to give programs according to the wishes of clients and in accordance with a level demanded by them.

The clients may differ the level of comforts in accordance with their financial possibilities. In our tours we offer optimum conditions of their realization in accordance with acceptable cost of the tours and their qualities (both cognoscibility and service ). We hope your collaboration with us will interest you and you will open for yourself with our help all splend our of Central Asia.