Penjikent. Located on the left bank of a broad terrace Zarafshan. Penjikent literally closed ornamental herbs, fruit trees, vines and gives the impression of a huge garden. From past eras in Panjakent still kept some twisty, narrow streets and alleys. Homes on the legacy of the past as they are surrounded by high mud fences. The windows overlook the courtyard. The city created the Local History Museum of Rudaki. There are also monuments of architecture. Chief among them - madrasa-mosque of XVIII century. Alia Dodho. In the vicinity of the city since 1947, working Tajik archaeological expedition. Here, excavations of the ancient settlement of Penjikent - one of the centers of the Sogdian state, destroyed the Arab conquerors in the VIII. Mr. Oe. In those early centuries Penjikent lay at the crossroads of caravan routes connecting the mountainous areas of the upper Zeravshan the capital of Sogdiana Samarkand. To the present day in its ruins are monuments art Sogdian (VII-VIII cc.). They are multi-colored paintings (done on plaster glue paints), adorned the walls of temples, dwellings, as well as loess and wood sculpture. Subjects of paintings and sculptures reflect the religious views and ceremonies Sogdian, epic stories, scenes from the life of the nobility.
Aini. One of the oldest settlements in Kuhistane, located 97 km east of Panjakent. The village has more than a thousand years. First village called Varzaminorom, which means "tall minaret." This name he was obliged stands in the center of the village of mud-brick minaret - the monument of architecture of X-XI centuries. Village occupies a broad strip on the right bank of a high terrace Zarafshan. It is named after the founder of Soviet Tajik literature Aini. Many interesting things are in the vicinity of the village. On the left bank of Zarafshan, Mount Kalai-Moog, archaeologists have unearthed an ancient castle, which was destroyed by the Arabs in 721 was found hidden here by the Arab conquerors Penjikent ruler Sogdian manuscripts end of VII - VIII in the beginning. In addition to the manuscripts were found, and some other items, among them - a wooden shield covered with leather with yarkotsvetnym depicting Sogdian rider on a horse richly furnished.
Sarazm. In 1977, the Tajik scientists began excavations on the site, which later became known as the settlement Sarazm. The settlement is elongated from west to east elevation about 1.5 km and a width of 400 m do800, located on the terrace of the left bank of the river Zeravshan. The total area of the settlement exceeds 100 hectares. Currently, the northern and western parts of the historical settlement spread modern villages and Sahibnazar Gurach, and in the north-east - the village Avazali. The research results give reason to say that the ancient settlement existed here for about a half millennia, from 3400 to 2000 BC. In Sarazm were excavated numerous houses, religious buildings and palaces. We found many products made from copper, bronze, lead, silver and gold, weapons, jewelry, belonging to the IV-II millennia BC. Of certain interest is excavated in Sarazm palace complex, covering an area of 250 square meters. m, consisting of entrance hall, hallway, two or three rooms and several auxiliary buildings.
Mohammed Bosharo Mausoleum
Mazor Sharif village. MOHAMMED BOSHARO mausoleum. XI / XII century., 1342/43, at 20 kilometers southeast of Panjakent. The building is beautifully situated in the midst of trees on the hillside. It has a complex, non-simultaneously to form a plan. Very decorated parade entry peshtak. In gurkhan and ziarathane are tombstones, one of them is faced with multi-colored majolica, the other - a marble, a carving.
The mausoleum of Rudaki. Poet, founder of the classical Tajik poetry of Abu Abdullah Rudaki lived at the end of IX - beginning of X century, during the reign of the Samanid. He wrote his famous ode, and gazelles in Dari (Tajik language of the time), but using the Arabic alphabet. The last days of his life the poet spent in poverty and died in 941 in his native village Pandzhrud, near Panjakent. Word Pandzhrud in Tajik means "five streams" ("Panj" - five, "rud" - stream). In 1958, the burial place of the poet's mausoleum was erected.
Mazari-Amir Hamzah Hasti-Podsho
MAZARI Amir Hamza Hast hem. XI-XII centuries. Celo Chorku. Semi-open room with two poles and five half-columns. Nearby are six-summer mosque (XIX-XX cc.) And Minaret (XX century). In the form of multi-tiered wooden tower with open areas.