Mausoleum on the grave of poet and preacher of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, located in the city of Turkestan in South Kazakhstan region Kazahstana.Odno of the main places of worship for Muslims in the region. At the age of 63 years of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi - Sufi poet, and one of the first Sufi mystics in the Turkic world - a sign of worship of the Prophet Mohammed, dug a dugout near the mosque and lived there until his death. He died in 1166 and was buried with great honors.
At the end of the XIV century, Timur (Tamerlane) laid on the site of his grave hanaka (monastery), Sufis, followers Yassaui. The complex of palaces and temples is one of the largest, built in the Timurid period. In the building height of 44 m and diameter of the main dome of 22 m over 30 rooms and halls. In the XVI-XIX centuries. resided in Turkestan Kazakh khans. Here is the mausoleum of Sultan Rabiga Begimi - granddaughter of Timur, known Kazakh khans and Esim Ablai, Abulkhair Khan, a medieval bathhouse and other structures. Three visits to Turkestan, is equal to Hajj in Mecca.