E-031 Uzbekistan -Kazakhstan (15 days)

Specialiozation: -historicalandculturalкультурно – исторический с посещением степных и горных районов Казахстана


Route:                   -  Tashkent– Samarkand (Shakhrisabz) – Bukhara – Tashkent – Alma-Ata - region of Ili river – National park  «Altin-Emel » –



Season:                 - from May to October





Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Day 1. Arrive  Tashkent (via Lufthanza)

.Met at the airport. Transfer to the hotel “Tsorbi (***).

Day 2. Tashkent – Samarkand

Breakfast at the hotel. AM sightseeing tour around the city of Tashkent fot 4 hours:the Museum of Applied Art, People’s friendship square, Abdul –Kasim Madrassah(CXIX ). Lunch. PM transfer to Samarkand (290 km, 4,5-5 h).On arrival in Samarkand , check in  the hotel “Afrosiab” (****).Dinner.

Day 3. Samarkand

Breakfast at the hotel. AM first portion of sightseeing tour  in Samarkand for 4 hoursincluded visiting Ulugbek Observatory (CXV), Tombstone of Saint Daniar, excavations of an ancient city and museum of Afrosiab,  Shakhi-Zinda necropolis (CCXI XV). Lunch. Go on sightseeing tour for 4 hours with visits to the Registan) Square (CCXV-XVII) with its three madrassahs of Ulugbek, Sher-Dor and Tilla-Kori. Dinner .

Day 4. To Shakhrisabz and back to Samarkand

Breakfast at the hotel. AM transfer to Shakhrisabz (160 km, 2h) -home town of Tamerlane the Great. On arrival, sightseeing tour around the town of Shakhrizhabz including visits to Ak-Saray Palace (CCXIV-XV), Darus Saodat Complex (CCXIV-XIX), Darus Tillavat Complex (CCXV), Orient Saunas (CCXIV-XVII). Lunch., PM return to Samarkand  Sightseeing in Samarkand for 2 hours included visiting Gur-Emir Mausoleum of Tamerlane’s dynasty (CXIV), Rukhabad Ensemble (CCXIV-XIX), Khazret Khizir Mosque (CVII), Bibi-Khanum Mosque (CCXIV-XV),and an orient bazaar.Dinner

Day 5. Samarkand – Bukhara

Breakfast at the hotel. AM drive to Bukhara (270 km, 4 h) On arrival in Bukhara , check in he hotel  “New Bukhara” (****). Lunch. PM sightseeing tour around Bukhara for 4 hoursincludes visiting Ark Fortress- Citadel (CCV-XIX), Bolo-House Mosque (CXVII), Ismail Samani Mausoleum (CIX), Chashma-Ayub Mausoleum (CCXII-XVI).  Dinner.

Day 6. Bukhara

Breakfast at the hotel. AM sightseeing tour for 4 hoursfrom Poi-Kalan Complex with Kalan Minaret (CXII) through orient bazaar with tree cupolas of Toki Zargaron (CXVI), Toki Sarrafon (CXVI), Toki Telpak Furushon (CXVI) to Laby –House Complex (CVI-XVII). Lunch. Go on guiding tour for 4 hourswith visits to Bogoutddin Nakshbandi Complex (CXIV), Summer Residence of Emir Sitora-A-Mokhi-Khosa (CXIX). Dinner.

Day 7. To Gijduvan and back to Bukhara and flight to Tashkent                                

Breakfast at the hotel. AM drive out of Bukhara to Gijduvan.  (45 km), visiting an Uzbek family (hereditary dynasty of artisans), visiting the museum of ceramics and acquaintance with job process. Return to Bukhara.. Lunch. Transfer to the airport.Flight to Tashkent. On arrival, check in the hotel “Tsorbi”.Dinner.

               Kazakhstan, Almaty

Day 8. Arrive Almaty

Breakfast at the hotel. Morning flight to Almaty Arrival in Almaty , Met at the airport. Transfer to the hotel “Otrar” (***). Lunch. Survey excursion around the city for 2 hours.Dinner.

Day 9 .    Breakfast at the hotel.  AM transfer to Tamgaintas gorge by bus (160 km, 4 h). Sightseeing of drawings on the rocks of II millennium BC. Lunch on the way (or dry ration). Drive to Koshkarbay settlement along the Taukum desert (200 km, 5 h). Further by motor-boat to base camp in delta of Ili river (20 minute). Dinner. Overnight in the base camp.

Day10.    Breakfast. Sightseeing along the delta of the river. Drive to Koktap settlement by motor boats (3 h). Lunch (dry ration). Drive to the National Park Altin- Emel along the highway  (300 km,7h),accommodation in a camp on  the shore of Kalchagay lake . Dinner.

Day11.    Drive along the National Park: sightseeing of the drawings on the rocks from II millennium BC, visiting the Besshatir necropolis (CCV-IV BC.). Lunch (Dry ration).Drive to the Poushiy Dune.  (T=8 hrs.), accommodation in the Camp. Dinner.

Day 12 .  Breakfast. Camel riding to the mountain foot Lunch (dry ration). Drive to canyons of Charin river (140 km, 3 h). Sightseeing of canyons, accommodation in a camp. dinner.

Day 13 .  Breakfast. Drive to IssikПереезднаавтобусевг.Иссык(140 km, 3h). Guided tour to Sacs barrows from CCV-IV BC. Drive to Almaty city (50 km, 1h). Check in the hotel of mountain- skiing resort “Chimbulak” (12200 m). Dinner.

Day 14.   Breakfast. Guided tour to ice-house of Bogdanovich(3600 m) – 4 hours. Lunch. Drive to Shiberaul (the settkement of masters of national souvenirs) – 2h. Dinner in  traditional style. Return to Almaty, check in the hotel “Otrar”.

Day 15 .  Breakfast(Dry ration). Transfer to the airport. Flight via Lufthanza at 04:00.   



The price quoted for this programme includes the following:



1.       Visa support letter

2.       transfers to and from airports, A/C transportation and all scheduled excursions detailed on the itinerary by “Mitsubishi Rose” or “Toyota Coster” for 10+1 pax, “Neoplan ” or “Mercedes” for 20+1 pax.   

3.       Air tickets Bukhara-Tashkent, Tashkent-Almaty with preliminary booking of air-tickets based on economy class travel

4.       double/twin sharing accommodation on B&B basis with private bath or shower in each hotel (one single room for tour-leader is free) 

5.       All meals (FB) according to the programme

6.       national guide (escort) speaking your native language and accompanying you for the entire itinerary

7.       SS programmes with local guides speaking your native language & entrance fees for the tourist sites, like main monuments and museums as specified in the programme

8.       Mineral water for the entire itinerary

9.       Carrying of baggage (airport, hotels)



10.    Visa support letter

11.    transfers to and from airports, A/C transportation and all scheduled excursions detailed on the itinerary by “Renault”, safari – track : Especially equipped with tents settling back , 16 seated (soft seats), lorry – escort , jeep, boats “Vollcraft”  with outboard motors “Tohatsa”.

12.    Meals (hot breakfast, lunch with dry ration, hot dinner) 

13.    double/twin sharing accommodation on B&B basis with private bath or shower in the hotels “Otrar”and “Chimbulak” (one single room for tour-leader is free) 

14.    Accommodation in the base camp in the delta of Ili river

15.    Accommodation in the mobile camp (double terekking tents, height – 2-2,5 m), camp beds, dining and kitchen tents, folding chairs, kitchen utensils, shower- bath and toilet tents, provision of wireless communication with the head office and lorry – escort

16.    Tax collection for ecology

17.    Fees for visiting the National Parks and reserves

18.    SS tours  according to the program

19.    Guide - Interpreter 

20.    Assistance Staff  (cook, guide assistant, workers in the


21.  Escort




The price excludes the following:

1.       Visa for Uzbekistan and for kazakhstan

2.       Single supplement charge

3.       fees for extra service (folklore performances, meetings, tickets for a theatre and visits to museums which are not specified in the programme)

4.       airport tax

5.       fees for the use of cameras and videos in the museums, galleries and sites visited.